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Bored at Home ??? Best projects you can try out when bored - Science Feed

Bored at Home ???
Try out these cool projects and learn something awesome in your boredom.
These projects may be very useful in your school and college science events.

1. e-Skateboard
Skateboards are always fun to use. These are small-time machine type gadgets. But how can we make it cooler than normal skateboards?
Power up your skateboard with an electric motor and extend your comfort. For this, attach your motor with rollers of the skateboard by a belt-pulley arrangement. Do a little bit of circuit designing so that when you lean forward board moves ahead and vice versa for backward movement. Connect skateboard with a battery and your e-Skateboard is ready.
Watch the above video to get a better idea for making it.

2. Cell-phone Operated Vehicle
Cell Phone Controlled Robotic Vehicle - Edgefx Technologies Pvt ...            
Controlling any mobile vehicle with a radio frequency-based receiver is never been an easy task.
Main problems that we face is its limited operational and frequency range with specific controls,
What about controlling it with the help of a cell phone?
This idea is far better than traditional controllers. The best feature is its quick control and extreme range. For control, we have to call the phone connected with the vehicle. During the call, if we press a numpad, the tone produced is processed by the microcontroller mounted on the vehicle. We can use ATmega16 microcontroller with DTMF decoder MT8870.

3. e-Notepad
By making your own cool e-Notepad, you can get rid of rubbish sticky notes and give a small contribution to our planet. e-Notepads are very convenient, easy and handy to use. If we look out at shopping websites, available e-Notepads are not that good and costs a lot. For getting started,
all we need is LCD screen, trackpad, microcontroller, battery, resistors, capacitors, etc. It would take about 6-8 hours to build.

4. Suger-fueled Rocket

Jonathan Carter's Experimental Sugar Rocket Home Page

Do you know your dumb sugar powder is a secret ingredient of rocket fuel???
Yes, You can make your homemade rocket with cheap potassium nitrate, powdered sugar and PVC pipe. You can also use finely powdered iron rust instead of potassium nitrate as an oxygen provider.
Our rocket mixture must have 2 parts of potassium nitrate and 1 part of powdered sugar.
It can go above 4 km of height in the sky.
Make Suger Rockets
This link of wikiHow will definitely help you.

5. Smart Talking Humanoid 
Building an interactive humanoid is believed to be a tough task by many nerds. But it is not a hard nut to crack.
MOFIZA - A Smart Talking Robot
Using the above link, we can get the whole idea to make it. MOFIZA is an Arduino based humanoid. The interesting parts of this robot are that it can sense, talk and react to the surrounding environment.

Thanks for reading.

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